How to send WhatsApp OTP: A guide for 2023

Sourabh Upreti
Sourabh Upreti
July 3, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of authentication methods, SMS OTPs may not provide the level of security businesses desire. As a result, many are turning to encrypted OTPs on WhatsApp to bolster their security measures. 

By adopting WhatsApp OTP, businesses can instill greater trust and confidence in their brand among customers. 

Whether you're a new user setting up your WhatsApp account or an existing user looking to enable additional security measures, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of sending WhatsApp OTP in 2023.

What is WhatsApp OTP?

WhatsApp OTP is a security feature that sends a unique one-time password to a registered phone number during registration or login. It verifies user identity and must be entered within a limited time to gain access to the WhatsApp account.

WhatsApp's integration with OTP offers a seamless registration process, allowing you to greatly enhance your app's conversion rate. By leveraging WhatsApp, users can effortlessly create new accounts using their existing information, eliminating the hassle of dealing with delivery problems associated with SMS OTP.

Difference Between SMS OTPs & WhatsApp OTPs

The choice between the two depends on factors such as user preferences, security requirements, internet availability, and the reliability of SMS delivery in specific regions.

Here are some key differences between SMS OTPs and WhatsApp OTPs. 

How To Send OTP On WhatsApp Using a Business Account

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to send OTP on WhatsApp using a business account. 

  • Obtain a mobile number and set up a WhatsApp Business account: To send OTPs using WhatsApp, you need to have a valid mobile number that can receive SMS messages. Further, create a WhatsApp Business account by downloading the app or using the web version. 

  • Register for the WhatsApp Business API: The API enables businesses to integrate their systems with WhatsApp and send automated messages, including OTPs. Registering for the API involves following specific procedures and meeting certain requirements, which can be found on the WhatsApp Business API documentation.

  • Integrate your systems with the WhatsApp Business API: Once you have successfully registered for the WhatsApp Business API, the next step is to integrate your existing systems or applications with the API. This integration allows your systems to communicate with WhatsApp and send OTPs programmatically. The integration process may involve working with your development team or engaging third-party services that specialize in WhatsApp API integrations.

  • Generate and send OTPs via the WhatsApp Business API: With your systems integrated with the WhatsApp Business API, you can now generate and send OTPs using the API's functionality. When a user requires OTP verification, your system can generate a unique one-time password and send it to the user's registered mobile number via WhatsApp. This can be done by making API calls to the WhatsApp Business API, providing the necessary parameters such as the recipient's mobile number and the content of the OTP message.

  • Handle OTP verification on the recipient's end: Once the OTP is sent via WhatsApp, the recipient will receive it on their mobile device. The user will then need to enter the OTP into the appropriate field on your platform or application for verification. Your system should have a mechanism in place to validate the entered OTP against the one that was sent. This verification process ensures that the user has access to the mobile number associated with the WhatsApp account and strengthens the security of the authentication process.

  • Monitor and manage OTP delivery: It's essential to monitor the delivery of OTPs sent via WhatsApp to ensure they reach the intended recipients promptly. You may need to implement mechanisms to track the status of OTP messages, such as using message status callbacks provided by the WhatsApp Business API. Monitoring and managing OTP delivery helps ensure a smooth user experience and reduces the risk of delayed or undelivered OTPs.

  • Comply with WhatsApp policies and guidelines: When utilizing the WhatsApp Business API for OTP verification, it's crucial to comply with WhatsApp's policies and guidelines. These policies cover aspects such as message templates, acceptable use cases, and user consent. Adhering to these guidelines helps maintain a positive relationship with WhatsApp and ensures that your OTP verification process remains in compliance with their terms of service.

  • Continuously optimize and improve the OTP process: Once you have implemented WhatsApp OTP verification, it's important to continually assess and optimize the process. Collect user feedback, monitor metrics such as user engagement and conversion rates, and make adjustments as needed to enhance the overall user experience. Regularly reviewing and refining your OTP process can help improve security, user satisfaction, and the effectiveness of your authentication mechanisms.

Why Use Whatsapp OTP?

Here are the key benefits that businesses should be aware of when utilizing WhatsApp OTP.

  1. Enhanced security

WhatsApp OTP (One-Time Password) adds an extra layer of security to the authentication process. By implementing two-factor authentication, it becomes more challenging for unauthorized users to gain access to business accounts or sensitive information. 

Two-factor authentication typically requires users to provide their regular login credentials (username and password) and then enter a unique OTP sent to their registered mobile number. This additional step significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access.

  1. Simplified verification process

WhatsApp OTP simplifies the verification process for users. Instead of relying on complex verification procedures or relying on additional hardware tokens, users only need to receive the OTP on their mobile device. 

This streamlined approach reduces friction and makes the verification process more user-friendly. Users can easily enter the received OTP and proceed with the authentication, enhancing the overall user experience.

  1. Real-time verification

WhatsApp OTP delivers the one-time password in real time. This means that as soon as the OTP is generated, it is immediately sent to the user's mobile device. Real-time delivery ensures that the verification process is swift and efficient, reducing the risk of delayed or intercepted codes. Users can authenticate themselves promptly, enhancing security and reducing the chances of someone else using the OTP.

  1. Wide user adoption

WhatsApp is a widely used messaging platform with a large user base. It has millions of active users globally, making it accessible to a broad audience. By utilizing WhatsApp OTP, businesses can tap into this extensive user base, increasing the chances of successful verification. It provides a familiar platform for users to receive and enter OTPs, making the process more convenient and increasing the likelihood of user engagement.

  1. Brand recognition

WhatsApp is a well-known and trusted platform. By leveraging the familiarity and trust associated with the WhatsApp brand, businesses can strengthen their own brand identity and credibility during the authentication process. 

When users receive an OTP via WhatsApp, they are likely to perceive it as a secure and reliable method of verification. This association with WhatsApp's reputation can positively impact the perception of the business and enhance trust in its authentication processes.

  1. Boost Sales with Drip Campaigns

By utilizing WhatsApp's OTP feature for user sign-ups, businesses gain a significant advantage. With the integration of WhatsApp Chatbot solutions like Wati and ORAI Robotics, businesses can execute automated drip campaigns on WhatsApp, surpassing the effectiveness of traditional SMS or email campaigns. This powerful combination enables businesses to enhance their sales efforts and drive better results. This approach can be especially beneficial for a real estate drip campaign, helping to keep potential buyers engaged and informed.

Send OTPs Through WhatsApp Using WhatsApp Business API

To send OTPs via WhatsApp, businesses can utilize the WhatsApp Business API, enabling secure and encrypted communication. 

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to send OTPs via WhatsApp using either a shared number or a dedicated number:

Sending OTPs using a shared number:

  • Access the API documentation provided by your chosen BSP and familiarize yourself with the /sendTemplateMessage API.

  • Implement the /sendTemplateMessage API in your code to trigger the OTP delivery to the user's number.

BiteSpeed, for example, supports sending OTPs using shared numbers and offers a specific limit of OTP messages in their trial account. If you require additional OTP messages, you can purchase credits from them.

Sending OTPs using a dedicated number:

  • Apply for the WhatsApp Business API and seek approval for your dedicated number. Clare.AI can guide the approval process.

  • Set up your Facebook Business Manager and complete the verification process, which typically takes 1-3 weeks, depending on the progress of the verification by the Facebook Official Team.

  • Ensure you have a non-transferable WhatsApp phone number that is not associated with an existing WhatsApp account.

  • Choose a clear business display name that adheres to WhatsApp's guidelines for selecting a display name for WhatsApp Business.

  • Obtain a verified Facebook Business Manager ID by submitting the necessary business documents.
  • After your account is approved, submit an OTP template for approval on the BiteSpeed Dashboard's Broadcast page.

  • Wait for the template to be reviewed and approved, which usually takes 10-30 minutes.

  • Utilize the /sendTemplateMessage API to trigger the one-time verification code and send OTPs.

Best practices to consider while creating WhatsApp OTPs templates

Here are some best practices to consider when creating WhatsApp OTP templates for business:

  • Keep the OTP message concise and clear, using simple and easy-to-understand language.

  • Start the message with a personalized greeting, such as "Hello" or "Hi [User's Name]."

  • Clearly state that the message contains an OTP (One-Time Password) for verification purposes.

  • Include the OTP code prominently in the message, using a distinct font or highlighting it in some way.

  • Avoid including any unnecessary information or promotional content in the OTP message.

  • Use a sender name that clearly identifies the organization or service the OTP is associated with.

  • Ensure that the OTP is generated securely and follows industry-standard practices for encryption and protection.

  • Specify the expiration time for the OTP code, emphasizing that it is valid for a limited period.

  • Encourage users not to share the OTP with anyone and to report any suspicious activity.

  • Provide a contact option or customer support information in case users encounter any issues or have questions about the OTP process.

  • Test the OTP templates thoroughly to ensure they work correctly on different devices and platforms.

  • Comply with regional regulations and guidelines regarding user privacy and data protection.

  • Regularly review and update the OTP templates to align with changing security best practices or user feedback.

Limitations of sending WhatsApp API messages from shared numbers

When sending WhatsApp API messages from shared numbers, there are certain limitations to consider. Here is the list:

  • Number Association: Shared numbers are associated with multiple businesses or users, which means there is no exclusive ownership. This can lead to limited control over the number's availability and usage.
    • Message Sender ID: Shared numbers do not support custom message sender IDs. The messages are sent from a generic WhatsApp number instead of a personalized business name or brand, which can affect brand recognition and user trust.

    • Message Visibility: Messages sent from shared numbers may not appear as prominent or easily distinguishable in the recipient's WhatsApp chat list. This can result in lower visibility and potentially impact user engagement.

    • Message Limits: WhatsApp imposes message limits on shared numbers. These limits can include a maximum number of messages sent per day or minute, which may restrict high-volume messaging campaigns or time-sensitive OTP delivery.

    • Template Restrictions: Shared numbers have limitations on using custom message templates. WhatsApp's Business Policy requires businesses to use approved message templates, and shared numbers may have fewer template options compared to dedicated numbers.

    • Delivery Speed: Shared numbers may experience slower message delivery compared to dedicated numbers. This delay can impact real-time interactions and time-sensitive messaging requirements.

    • Message Reporting: Shared numbers may have limited reporting capabilities, making it challenging to gather comprehensive data and insights on message delivery, read receipts, or engagement metrics.

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    1. Can I get OTP on WhatsApp? 

    Yes, WhatsApp provides OTP (one-time password) as a security feature for account verification and login processes. When signing up or logging in to a new device, WhatsApp sends a unique OTP to your registered phone number.

    1. How can I open WhatsApp without an OTP code? 

    To open WhatsApp without an OTP code, you need to ensure that your WhatsApp account is already set up and verified on the device. Once your account is verified, you can open the WhatsApp application without requiring an OTP code for subsequent logins.

    1. Why am I not receiving OTP from WhatsApp? 

    There could be several reasons why you are not receiving OTP from WhatsApp:

    • Ensure that you have a stable internet connection to receive the OTP.
    • Verify that your phone number is correctly registered with WhatsApp.
    • Check if you have any SMS or call filters or settings that might be blocking OTP messages.
    • Contact your mobile service provider to ensure there are no issues with message delivery.

    If you continue to experience issues, it is recommended to reach out to WhatsApp support for further assistance.

    1. How can I use WhatsApp without OTP?

    To use WhatsApp without OTP, you need to complete the initial verification process that requires an OTP. Once verified, you can continue using WhatsApp without needing an OTP for subsequent logins on the same device, as long as you remain logged in or use biometric authentication if enabled.

    1. Can I open my WhatsApp on another phone without a verification code?

    No, you cannot open your WhatsApp on another phone without a verification code. The verification code is necessary to confirm your identity and link your WhatsApp account to a specific phone number. It is a security measure to prevent unauthorized access to your account.

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