What is Social selling? How to use it for Shopify in 2023

Sourabh Upreti
Sourabh Upreti
February 2, 2023

Are you waiting for customers to come to your Shopify store like a kid waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve with no chimney?

I know it’s not easy to get customers in today’s world. You have many competitors, many of which offer the same products as you. You can spend money like a Scrooge on advertising, but that won’t always guarantee sales when you stop doing it. 

What if I told you there was a way to get more customers without spending money? You’d probably say that sounds too good to be true, but it is possible with social selling. It's like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow without the leprechauns.💰

In this article, I’ll show you how to get started with social selling. I’ll also share some tips and tricks to help you get more customers without spending a dime. So stick around, and you'll be glad you did.

What is Social Selling?

Social selling is a form of digital marketing that uses social media platforms to build relationships with potential and existing customers. By leveraging content and conversations on social media, you can increase the reach of more people and establish trust with their target audience.

It’s a way for sellers to leverage their brand and engage with potential buyers without direct sales pressure.

It's like having a presence in front of your customers and letting them choose you whenever they need any product. After all, people will always buy from the brand they know personally over a brand they don’t.

How can Shopify Stores Take Advantage of Social Selling?

Shopify stores can take advantage of social selling by utilizing the various features offered by popular social media platforms. According to a survey by Social Sprout, 98% of shoppers plan to make at least one purchase through social shopping or influencer commerce in 2022. And 40% of people find the product through organic posts from the brand.

social selling statistics, common ways consumers find the perfect product

If your consistent efforts can get your brand in front of 40% of new users, why can't you take advantage of that?

Here are some ways you can use social media to boost your Shopify store sales:

  • Using Facebook.
  • Leveraging the power of Instagram.
  • Strategically using influencer marketing to sell more.

Let's take a look at each of these in more detail.

1. Using Facebook to Sell More on Shopify.

Customers are more receptive to your content when you engage in social selling on Facebook rather than using Facebook ads to promote products. This is because they don't feel like they're being forced into buying something—they want your brand in their newsfeed!

The more you engage with your audience on Facebook, the more likely they will get to know you and trust your brand. The more trust you have built with your customers, the easier it will be for them to purchase from your store.

Now you may think about the content and topics you are going to discuss. And it shouldn't be a barrier to starting your journey. You can answer customers' questions and share relevant content to build a relationship with your consumers. Sales are generated when relationships grow, so don’t forget to build trust, otherwise…

You can use Facebook to reach out to potential customers in a fraction of the time you spend making cold calls. When combined with other social media platforms, your sales cycle will be drastically reduced, and revenues from these new channels will increase much more quickly!

Bonus tip to make extra bucks: 

You've probably heard of click-to-WhatsApp ads. They’re one of the most effective ways to drive traffic and conversions for your business.

The idea is simple: you place a click-to-WhatsApp ad on your ad, and when someone clicks it they are taken to a WhatsApp chatbot that allows them to interact with your brand.

Adding “Click To WhatsApp Ads” to your Facebook Ad campaigns is one of the best Facebook Ads Strategies for Shopify stores, as it allows you to set up a conversation that could lead users back into your store

This can be a powerful way of reaching customers directly—especially if they don’t need another ad from your business!

Using retargeting, you can target your ads to people who have already expressed interest in your business by visiting its website. With BiteSpeed, you can segment them, nurture them and convert them to loyal customers.

You have more options, my friend,

  • For happy customers, you can launch an upsell/cross-sell campaign to offer more products or services to your existing customers.
  • For price sensitive audiences, you can offer them a discount or promotion to lower the price point.
  • For the less relevant audiences, you can retarget them with a festive season offer. Now they can't resist them.

A great example is Rynox. They leveraged the power of WhatsApp marketing and launched multiple campaigns to convert their customers and gain new subscribers. The result? They got a staggering 15-20& of revenue. Here is what they did exceptionally to drive the desired results: know the strategy.

What else? Invest once and watch the revenue flowing in. 

2. Leveraging the power of Instagram.

If you want to get in front of Gen Z people, you need to be on Instagram. It's the leading social media platform for this demographic! The average Gen Z consumer spends over 4 hours daily on Instagram, and a whopping 38% spend even more time than that.

You can upload pictures, testimonials, and how to use reels to gain informational and emotional traction with this demographic. The best way to leverage Instagram for your business is by creating relevant, timely, and engaging content. You want to show Gen Z people how you can help them solve their problems, not just sell them something!

Integrating Shopify and Instagram can help you reach a wider audience for your products by establishing a "business account" online. Instagram also has the "Instagram Shopping" feature, which was introduced in 2019. This allows your audience to buy products directly from your account, which can significantly increase sales.

Ultimate Guide to Instagram Shopping

You should also consider using Instagram's analytics tool (found under the Insights tab) to see how well your content performs with different audiences. This will help you gauge whether or not they are interested in what you're offering and if they would make purchases based on the content they've seen.

3. Strategically using influencer marketing to sell more.

Influencers can help you build exposure for your brand by sharing content related to it. That way, when customers are ready to buy the product, they already have a relationship with it and know exactly what they're getting into.

A recommendation from a creator similar to your target audience can make all the difference for your campaign. Whereas brand content is rarely trusted, 63% of people trust recommendations from influencers they like.

However, choosing the right set of influencers to work with is essential. You'll want to find creators with a similar audience to your brand and make sure they are the right fit for your campaign. It's critical to discover influencers who can create content that resonates with their followers rather than just posting an ad without any context or creativity.

Make sure that you tag influencers whenever you post on social media. This will make them feel appreciated and help your brand get exposure among their followers! You can also check trusted vendors to buy Instagram followers to build trust.

If you're a newer Shopify store or brand trying social selling, start or join groups on social media. It is helpful to participate in groups with people interested in the thing you're trying to sell—otherwise, it'll be hard for anyone else there to want your product!

Benefits of social selling.

Social selling involves more than simply increasing sales—it can also help build a company's reputation, drive traffic to its website and social media pages, and generate leads among potential clients and partners.

Here are the possible benefits of using social selling as your marketing strategy:

1. Get your brand in front of your users.

Social media is a great way to get your brand in front of your users. You can share content that you think will be relevant to them or create new content for social media. It’s also an excellent place for people already interested in your brand to interact with each other and share their experiences with the company.

When existing users share their experience with your brand on social media, it can help you reach new customers. If a customer posts a positive review of your company, others might be more inclined to pay attention to it than if they just saw an ad. Isn't that free publicity?

2. Helps you generate high-quality traffic to your website.

When you create engaging content that resonates with your customers, it can attract engagement on social media. This can generate more traffic to your website and increase sales. If you don’t have a large following yet, it also helps to use social media to attract new followers who are interested in what you have to say.

Here's how Phool leverages Instagram to build a loyal following and drive traffic to their website.

When you have a loyal following, they will be more likely to buy your new products as soon as they are launched. This means that you can increase sales without putting in extra time or effort.

3. Increase your sales.

As you drive high-quality traffic with high intent to buy, this will increase your sales. This is because the people who visit your website are looking to purchase something and have already been exposed to your brand. They know they can trust you and have confidence in your selling.

And in some cases, they may leave your site without purchasing anything. To keep this audience tied to your brand, you need a compelling reason and the perfect timing to get them to buy. This is where BiteSpeed comes in. It helps you convert your traffic to customers with multiple features.

From attractive pop-ups to gamified pop-ups, you can pull this traffic to your subscriber list and then use them to promote your products. With the subscriber list, you can provide discount codes or personalized offers through WhatsApp to nurture them enough. 

This will help you get more sales and increase the lifetime value of your customers. You can later nurture them and convert them into paying customers with BiteSpeed's tools on WhatsApp.

4. Fosters trust.

Trust is at the heart of any deal-making or sales process—people want to do deals with someone they can trust. And when someone trusts you, they’re more likely to buy from you. This is why building trust as quickly as possible with your audience is so important.

One way to do this is through social proof—showing other people who have bought from you. By displaying testimonials and reviews on your website, people will be more inclined to trust your business and purchase something from you, as others’ testimonials makes them feel comfortable while making a purchasing decision. 

5. It yields long-term rewards.

Social selling is a long-term strategy. It’s not about closing a sale in one conversation; it’s about building relationships and trust that will lead to more sales. The more you engage with your audience, the more likely they will buy from you.

Social Selling Strategy.

Social selling strategy is a process that you can use to identify and engage with prospects on social media. It involves defining a target audience, identifying their interests and selling opportunities, creating content for them, and then delivering it engagingly.

Here are 8 social selling strategies you can use to build stronger connections with your target audience.

1. Targeting Engagement, Not Sales

Instead of focusing solely on making sales focus on engaging with your audience through social media.  

Building trust, engaging with customers, and responding to feedback should be the key focus of any sales-related efforts on social media. If you sustain this interaction over time, it will eventually lead consumers toward making a purchase.

To build relationships, brands must engage and interact with people in the social environment. To participate fully, you should join groups and host live chats—but there are many other ways to get active on social media within your business strategy.

2. Building relationships with influencers.

Partnering with influencers in your niche can help you reach a larger audience and gain credibility. Find influencers who align with your brand values and work with them to create content that promotes your products.

Collaborating with other brands can be a valuable social-media strategy for influencers and e-commerce businesses. For example, a cosmetics brand can build relationships by collaborating with other beauty brands. Or, a footwear company might partner with an athletic organization to reach more consumers interested in health and wellness.

3. Social Listening.

Monitor your social media channels for mentions of your brand and engage with those who mention you. This will help you understand what people are saying about your brand and allow you to address any concerns or complaints.

Moreover, you can monitor your competitors to see what they’re saying about their products and services and what people are saying about them. You may discover new industry trends or ways to improve your brand by listening in on other companies’ conversations.

4. Embrace Emerging Platforms For E-commerce Social Media Marketing.

Stay ahead of the game by experimenting with new social media platforms that are popular among your target audience. This can include platforms like TikTok or Instagram Reels, which are great for creating short, engaging videos.

With the introduction of UPI payments and in-app shopping, WhatsApp is positioning itself as a platform for social commerce—making it an appealing choice among consumers who want to buy things from brands. You can leverage WhatsApp into a revenue-generating machine when you integrate it with BiteSpeed. You can use WhatsApp to

You can do even more when leveraging the perfect social platform WhatsApp with BiteSpeed.

5. Implement User-Generated Marketing Tactics.

Encourage your customers to share photos of themselves using your products and repost them on your social media channels. This can be done through a branded hashtag or by running a contest.

This works best because people love to hear from actual buyers, not just companies selling products. Customers will appreciate your brand’s transparency, and it will help you build trust with potential customers as well.

After all, users are more likely to trust the opinion of someone they know over that of a brand or celebrity endorsement.

6. Leverage the Power of Data.

Use analytics tools to track your social media performance and understand which content and campaigns resonate with your audience. Use this data to optimize your strategy and make informed decisions.

Reporting on the sources of conversions—whether based on sessions or purchases, is indispensable for identifying which channels contribute to your bottom line. Similarly, social media dashboards play a pivotal role in strategic decision-making. It allows you to analyze social media metrics and make decisions based on real-time data, eliminating the uncertainty of guessing.

7. Add a WhatsApp chat support icon to Instagram.

Not every customer sees your post, checks your products, and places orders. If a customer has a question or doubt regarding the product, they might want to contact you directly. The WhatsApp chat support icon will help them do that. With BiteSpeed, you can make the entire process simple.

You can set a flow with the frequently asked questions so that customers can quickly get the answers they need. You can start all these by adding a WhatsApp chat icon to your Instagram profile. This can help increase customer satisfaction and reduce response times.

8. Use shoppable posts.

Many social media platforms now offer shoppable posts, which allow customers to purchase products directly from a post. Use this feature to make it easy for customers to buy your products without leaving the social media platform. This can increase conversions and make the buying process more seamless.

How to Use Social Selling to Drive Shopify Sales?

When you use social selling to drive Shopify sales, you can reach customers who are most likely interested in your product. Here are some ways to use social selling to drive Shopify sales:

1. Identifying Your Audience.

Understanding your target audience and what they are looking for is crucial for creating a successful social selling strategy.

When creating a buyer persona, it's essential to consider the characteristics of your target audience. For example:

  • Location/age bracket
  • Gender Industry
  • Income level
  • Purchase concerns
  • Relationship status

Use this information to create content and campaigns that speak directly to them and address their specific needs. Once you know your target audience, you can also identify which social media platforms they are most active on and focus your efforts there. 

It will help you get in front of the selective audience who are likely to purchase from you down the road. 

2. Create a consistent brand identity.

A consistent brand identity across your social media channels helps establish trust and recognition with your audience. This includes using a consistent color scheme, logo, and overall aesthetic across all platforms. Consistency will also help you maintain a professional and cohesive image across your social media channels.

3. Use engaging content.

Creating engaging content is vital to building relationships with your audience and driving sales. Use a variety of formats to appeal to different types of learners, such as videos, images, and infographics. Use storytelling in your content to create an emotional connection with your audience.

Also, use humor and relatable content to make your brand more approachable and human. Use visuals, videos, and graphics to increase engagement and make the content more attractive. Additionally, share user-generated content, testimonials, and reviews to increase trust in your brand and products.


Now that you know the ins and outs of targeting engagement, building relationships with influencers, and leveraging the power of data, you're well on turning your social media following into paying customers.  

But let's be honest, driving traffic to your store is like trying to herd cats. It's only half the battle. The real struggle begins when you try to convert those visitors into paying customers. They might abandon their carts, leave your website after noticing the price tag or go for a long walk instead. But don't worry; we've got your back.

That's where BiteSpeed comes in. We'll capture their information with irresistible pop-ups and nurture them until they're ready to buy. And with our WhatsApp tools, you can reach out to them directly, making you more accessible and increasing your chances of converting them. It's like having your own personal conversion ninja.

So, don't waste any more time; schedule a free demo with BiteSpeed today, and let us help you turn your social media following into a sales powerhouse. And remember, with BiteSpeed, you'll be the king of the jungle, or at least the king of e-commerce. So, let's get social and make some money, shall we?

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