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Formilla Live Chat

Formilla Live Chat



Formilla is a user experience platform for sales, marketing, and support teams that offers real-time chat and chatbots to increase sales and improve support. Formilla generates sales leads and increases customer engagement via automated chatbots, emails, and live chat. Formilla is trusted by 12,000 businesses to assist their customers and is rated 5 stars for live chat software with unparalleled customer service.

Top Features
  • Real-time visitor monitoring with Simplified multi-channel communication
  • Full chat transcript is immediately emailed after the chat ends
  • Segment or tag contacts that haven't visited in a while, and send a targeted email to bring them back
  • Display a bar across the screen to announce free shipping, product announcements, or anything else.
  • Standard Plan- $0/ month
  • Premium Plan- $19.99/ month
  • Professional Plan- $39.99/ month
  • Growth Plan- $55.99/ month
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Drive 20% revenue with
WhatsApp Marketing,
Chatbots & Omnichannel

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